My 2nd graders will be starting the editing portion of The Writer's Workshop this week. To aide them in this process, we created a character known as "Editing Eddy." Eddy helps my students remember that Editing involves: punctuation, capitalization, and spelling checks. The following character helps us remember all the things to look for: 
Add a period=Face and nose of Eddy 
Quotation Marks=eyes of Eddy
Add ?=Ears of Eddy
Add !=Neck of Eddy
Capital letters needed=Hair of Eddy
Spelling check=mouth of Eddy
Last year, when my students had this visual to use for editing, they remembered the steps so much more and were FAR more successful in their endeavors as editors! Try it out with your students!
Eddy is excellent. Even my fifth graders will enjoy this. Thank you for sharing.